Located in Glen Forrest WA

Counselling with Kim Holland

What is Counselling?

A relationship in which the sense of being understood by and existing in the mind and heart of a loving, attuned and self-possessed other creates the opportunity for transformation.¹

In a safe space, you can feel free to talk through your issue(s), challenges and ideals for growth.

  • You may be struggling with your relationships.

  • You may be looking for a new understanding of yourself.

  • You may be wanting to move forward within your life.

  • You may be seeking support and understanding with your child, or with caring for ageing parents.

  • You may feel lost and overwhelmed with grief.

  • You may be struggling to resolve an issue

  • … or just wanting to grow and flourish in a new way. 

Success in counselling relies on your willingness to take responsibility for your own life. My approach is to foster strength and resilience. Only then can difficulties be effectively addressed within a context of self-love and the skills and ability to gently hold yourself within that.

Counselling can help to foster your understanding of how to live a life in which you can be fully authentic and present to your experiences, both joyful and challenging. You can look to counselling for short-term relief; however, its potential can be far greater.

¹ Fosha, D in Van Der Kolk, B. 2015 The Body Keeps the Score.

Counselling Session with Kim Holland


Start your journey

Every client is an individual and has their own unique path. My job is to tune in, listen deeply, and support you on your journey towards true health.

What to expect in a Session:

I offer Counselling for individuals and couples in-person, and on-line using Zoom. My workspace located in Glen Forrest in the Perth Hills is in a private tranquil bush setting surrounded by trees and birds. My dogs can wander in and out (or not!). It's a space designed to put you at ease and allow your nervous system to relax.

Your session is for you. We only work with what you are comfortable working with and at a pace that allows you to integrate your discoveries. There is a natural regulating rhythm that can be facilitated within your session to ensure that overwhelm is avoided. It may not always be talking, there may be an opportunity to incorporate movement, somatic training, laughter, writing and so on.  I have great faith in the process and in the way things unfold. There is no pushing, just allowing and honouring the uniqueness of the individual within the therapeutic process.

What Counselling can help with:

  1. Self awareness

  2. Capacity, resilience and self confidence

  3. Grounding and clarity

  4. Visioning and goal setting

  5. Personal expression

  6. Understanding relationships

  7. Grief

  8. Trauma

  9. Anxiety

  10. Depression

  11. Stress

  12. Menopause

  13. Digestive disorders

Need help now?

If you are in immediate danger of harming yourself, call triple zero (000).

If you need to talk to someone urgently, the helplines and services below are available 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Call Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14
Beyond Blue Support Service on 1300 22 4636

Feel your pain, find your joy, and truly live.

Growth and change can be explored from a space of safety and trust. We can discover a path forward to greater self awareness, resilience and mastery in your own life.

Book an appointment

You can book an in-person or online session. Feel free to contact me if you would like more information.

Online Appointments

Booking an appointment via zoom? We will send you a direct zoom invitation link the morning of your appointment. Click here to download/install zoom.

  • Anyone can try counselling. It can help with mental, emotional, physical and spiritual misalignments.

    – Self Awareness
    – Capacity & Resilience
    – Grounding and clarity
    – Visioning and goal setting
    – Understanding Relationships
    – Grief
    – Trauma
    – Anxiety
    – Depression
    – Stress
    – Digestive disorders

  • It’s important to reflect on why you are coming and what you want to gain from the session. Whilst perhaps understanding that other things may emerge during the session that require loving consideration.

    It can help to choose a day and a time where you have time after the session to integrate. It’s good to reflect on who in your life can provide support outside the therapeutic setting.

    Drink plenty of water before your session and I recommend wearing comfortable clothing.

  • My qualification through Murdoch University is in person-centred counselling and encompasses cognitive therapy, mindfulness therapy, resilience and strength-based therapies and existential therapy. Suitable for individual therapy and couples’ counselling/relationship therapy.

  • I will ask you prior to your first session if you wish to have the dog(s) there. A lot of my clients find it is very soothing to have them in the room and some even have them on their lap for all or part of the session. Of course, the dogs understand that lap time is by invitation only!



Discover other therapies we offer


Working holistically with the mind and the body, facilitating a state of ease through the gentle release of trauma, conditioning and beliefs that no longer serve.


Healing and discovery of the self through creative and play based expression. Ideal for children, adolescents and adults who find it difficult to articulate their pain and their hopes.


Connect with your true nature, learning to live from a place of authenticity, wholeness and true health, benefitting yourself and all those you come into contact with.

love from our amazing clients