Located in Glen Forrest WA

Creative Arts Therapy with Kim Holland for children and adolescents

What is Creative Arts Therapy?

It is a particularly gentle form of enquiry and discovery perfect for children and adolescents, who because of age and stage are not developmentally ready to work with challenges directly.

It is also ideal for adults looking for a non-verbal approach to therapy or who prefer to work creatively from the space of the unconscious, believing that it can be deeply transformative to do so. 

It is an effective stand alone therapy or can work beautifully to supplement other therapies. I offer art-making, crafts, play therapy, sand tray therapy and movement therapy. No prior experience or skill is needed to benefit from creative arts therapy and the emphasis is on the process of expression, not the final product, alleviating all pressure to get something right! 

Creative Arts Therapy with Kim Holland for children and adolescents


Start your journey

Creative Arts Therapy with Kim Holland for children and adolescents

Every client is an individual and has their own unique path. My job is to tune in, listen deeply, and support you on your journey towards true health.

What to expect in a Session:

I offer Creative Arts Therapy in-person only. My workspace located in Glen Forrest in the Perth Hills is in a private tranquil bush setting surrounded by trees and birds. My dogs can wander in and out (or not!). It's a space designed to put you at ease and allow your nervous system to relax.

For Adults: Your session is for you. You can choose what creative art therapy medium you prefer on the day or I can help guide you towards what may support your enquiry. By way of illustration, if you are feeling strong emotions then acrylic paints can provide a tempered outlet in which to explore and process them. If you are feeling unsafe or vulnerable, then watercolours may provide a gentler free flowing way to express emotions. Clay work can help you embody and ground your experiences and movement therapy can help you do the same. Writing therapy can help you find clarity within your thinking process, as can drawing with pencils. The opportunities for connecting experience and expression are endless. All of the creative arts therapy processes can help you imaginatively access, support and process your life experiences within a safely held space.

For Children: Sand tray therapy and generalised play therapy are perfect for younger children, providing them with the opportunity to safely act out what is real for them, and providing a forum in which different responses to play scenarios can be explored. There are figurines, models, toys, games, crafts and art making materials for indoor play and the garden outdoors provides opportunities for gross motor skill development, balance work, water play, cubby building and so on. Art therapy, writing therapy and movement therapy are ideal for older children and adolescents as there is no expectation that they verbalise their issues before they are ready to do so.

As with other therapies I offer, I only work with what the client is comfortable working with and at a pace that allows for integration of discoveries. There is a natural regulating rhythm that can be facilitated within the session to ensure that overwhelm is avoided. I have great faith in the process and in the way things unfold. There is no pushing, just allowing and honouring the uniqueness of the individual within the therapeutic process.

What Creative Arts Therapy can help with:

  1. Self awareness

  2. Capacity, resilience and self confidence

  3. Learning new ways to meet challenges

  4. Grounding and clarity

  5. Visioning and goal setting

  6. Personal expression

  7. Understanding relationships

  8. Grief

  9. Trauma

  10. Anxiety

  11. Depression

  12. Stress

  13. Digestive disorders

Need help now?

If you are in immediate danger of harming yourself, call triple zero (000).

If you need to talk to someone urgently, the helplines and services below are available 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Call Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14
Beyond Blue Support Service on 1300 22 4636

Feel your pain, find your joy, and truly live.

Challenges can be explored from a space of safety and trust. We can discover a path forward to greater self awareness, resilience and mastery in your own life.

Book an appointment

You can book an in-person or online session. Feel free to contact me if you would like more information.


Creative Arts Therapy

  • Anyone can try Creative Arts Therapy. It can help with mental, emotional, physical and spiritual misalignments.

    – Self Awareness
    – Capacity & Resilience
    – Grounding and clarity
    – Discovering your joy
    – Visioning and goal setting
    – Understanding Relationships
    – Grief
    – Trauma
    – Anxiety
    – Depression
    – Stress
    – Digestive disorders

  • No you don’t. Anyone can participate in this process of expressing what it is that wants to be expressed. It is not the final product that carries value in a creative arts therapy session, it is the process and what is revealed through the process that can be incredibly healing.

  • My qualification through Murdoch University is in art-based therapy, play therapy, sand-tray therapy and movement therapy.

  • Yes. Children often don’t have the language or the cognitive understanding of difficulties they are experiencing. Adolescents often don’t have the language either or are reluctant to engage verbally. This type of therapy provides a means by which they can express themselves and integrate their experiences without necessarily needing to talk about themselves, or confront a reality that they are not developmentally ready to do in a conscious way.

  • Yes. Your work is yours however I may ask to take a photo of it for reference during ongoing sessions.

Discover other therapies we offer


Working holistically with the mind and the body, facilitating a state of ease through the gentle release of trauma, conditioning and beliefs that no longer serve.


Connect with your true nature, learning to live from a place of authenticity, wholeness and true health, benefitting yourself and all those you come into contact with.


Discover your path forward in a safe space with gentleness and support. Learn to be truly present with your own unique experience of life.

love from our amazing clients