
hI, i’m KIM

I work with adults, adolescents and children

Improve your relationships.
Feel a greater capacity for strength, courage, resilience and joy
Discover a new self-understanding
Learn to be authentic
Find support to transition through a change
Find your path to move forward in life
Find support within a grief process
Resolve or heal an issue
 or just grow and flourish in a new way

What’s important is finding someone you feel you can trust to undertake a journey of discovery and change with you, and then summoning your courage to do just that!

I have a wealth of learned and lived experience. I’ve been a student, a corporate leader, a classroom assistant and a full-time Mum. I’ve experienced trauma, I’ve grieved and continue to grieve those I’ve lost, and I continue to learn about myself and my capacity to meet life as honestly and openly as I can.

Best of all is the understanding that it is possible to suffer and yet find a level of peace, joy and contentment within life. Not by holding on, but by relinquishing the very beliefs and attitudes about yourself and life that no longer serve you.

I've been an holistic therapist for the last ten years and my job is to create enough space, safety and guidance so that you can find what you need within yourself and within life.

Only you can take responsibility for your own life. What I offer is an informed and a supportive framework as you discover what you’re really looking for.


  • Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling – Murdoch University

  • Tier 1, 2 & 3 Qualification in Energy Medicine – Stillpoint institute

  • Craniosacral Therapy training – Craniosacral Institute Australia

  • Bachelor of Business – Curtin University

  • Current Advanced Certificate in First Aid

  • Myer Briggs Personality Indicator Trainer

  • Current working with children check


  • Ancestral Healing – Thomas Hubl

  • Healing Trauma – Peter A Levine PhD

  • Your Year of Miracles – Marci Shimoff & Dr. Sue Morter

  • The Archetypes - Understanding personality

  • Living Philosophy – Integral Development

  • Living Integrally – Integral Development

  • Transpersonal Energetics

  • Investment in Excellence Facilitator

  • Focus Group Leader Training

  • 30 Day Wake Up Challenge – Adyashanti


My Experience

Feel your pain, find your joy, and truly live.

Growth and change can be explored from a space of safety and trust. We can discover a path forward to greater strength, resilience and effectiveness in your own, or your child’s life.

How I can help


Discover your path forward in a safe space with gentleness and support. Learn to be truly present with your own unique experience of life.

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Working holistically with the mind and the body, facilitating a state of ease through the gentle release of conditioning and beliefs that no longer serve.

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Healing and discovery of the self through creative and play based expression. Ideal for children, adolescents and adults who find it difficult to articulate their pain and their hopes.

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Connect with your true nature, learning to live from a place of authenticity, wholeness and true health, benefitting yourself and others.

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Book an appointment today!

Booking an appointment is easy we use an online bookings system so you can find the appointment time that suits you.

Trulybe relaxing space

We will discuss what the therapeutic process may look like. 

Your session will then take shape. The room is set up with comfortable chairs for talking, a treatment table for somatic/energy therapy, and creative arts and play therapy materials if needed.

Verbal consent is always sought prior to any therapeutic interventions and I encourage you to ask questions if you are unsure of anything.

Feel free to request a session summary if you would like one emailed to you.

Feedback for parents from their child’s session will be provided separately over the phone at an agreed time following the session.

Please bring a water bottle to your session and wear comfortable clothing if possible.

what to expect from your first session

Therapeutic Therapy with Kim Holland

When you arrive, I will invite you to fill out a new client form before spending time getting acquainted and relaxing into the space. 

I use a gentle form of enquiry to begin to understand your reason(s) for coming and what you hope to achieve or discover though the change process. We will discuss what approach or combination of approaches resonate for you.

Please note that if the session is for your child, I will contact you prior to the first session to gain an understanding of what is needed.

There is beauty all around us if we only have eyes to see.