General Questions

  • It’s important to reflect on why you are coming and what you want to gain from the session. Whilst perhaps understanding that other things may emerge during the session that require loving consideration.

    It can help to choose a day and a time where you have time after the session to integrate. It’s good to reflect on who in your life can provide support outside the therapeutic setting.

    Drink plenty of water before your session and I recommend wearing comfortable clothing.

  • Yes absolutely. The only time that client confidentiality is not upheld is if there is a real threat of self-harm or harm to another. This is a legal requirement. Please read the privacy statement provided on this website for more information.

  • Payment can be made on the day. I have the facilities to accept card payments or cash is accepted too.

  • This is something that we will talk about during your initial session. The number of times you come and the frequency will depend upon what you want to work with and where you are at within yourself.

  • Life happens and sometimes it’s necessary to reschedule or cancel a session. I ask please that you provide 24 hours notice if you’re able to.


  • Anyone can try counselling. It can help with mental, emotional, physical and spiritual misalignments. It’s ideal for individuals and couples and facilitates:

    – Self awareness
    – Capacity & resilience
    – Grounding and clarity
    – Visioning and goal setting
    – Understanding relationships
    – Grief
    – Trauma
    – Anxiety
    – Depression
    – Stress
    – Digestive disorders

  • My qualification through Murdoch University is in person-centred counselling and encompasses cognitive therapy, mindfulness therapy, resilience and strength-based therapies and existential therapy. Suitable for individual therapy and couples’ counselling/relationship therapy. I am intuitive and empathetic by nature.

  • I will ask you prior to your first session if you wish to have the dog(s) there. A lot of my clients find it is very soothing to have them in the room and some even have them on their lap for all or part of the session. Of course, the dogs understand that lap time is by invitation only!

Somatic & Energy Therapy

  • Anyone can try Somatic Energy Therapy. It can help with mental, emotional, physical and spiritual misalignments.

    – Self-awareness
    – Awareness of body states
    – Understanding your nervous system and how to cultivate self-regulation
    – Relaxation and stress management
    – Grief
    – Trauma
    – Anxiety
    – Insomnia
    – Depression
    – Physical ailments

  • Everyone’s experience is different and depends upon where they are at on any given day, what they are dealing with and what is being worked with in the session.It is safe, respectful of boundaries, and governed by you, the individual. I use pendulation when I work to ensure that you can integrate your discoveries and shifts without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Cranio Sacral therapy - a gentle, yet profound method for enhancing the function of the nervous system and returning balance and mobility to your whole body. It uses gentle contacts especially on the skull, spine and sacrum to facilitate an activation of the body’s self-healing or homeostatic mechanism. This allows for the release of blocks or holding patterns that interfere with the normal functioning of the body’s systems. These blocks or holding patterns usually relate to trauma or conditioning patterns that have been laid down in the past. Upon their release, energy can flow uninterrupted once more through the system and support a return to health and wellbeing.

    Integrated Therapeutic Alignment (ITA) – works holistically with the physical and subtle energy bodies using a combination of hands-on acupressure style contact and hands off etheric contact in a sequenced pattern of movements. There are three tiers of treatment available including balancing of the physiological, psychological and emotional systems and the alleviation of symptoms; awakening and embodying the soul and spirit state; experiencing life from a unified state.

Creative Arts Therapy

  • Anyone can try Creative Arts Therapy. It can help with mental, emotional, physical and spiritual misalignments.

    – Self Awareness
    – Capacity & Resilience
    – Grounding and clarity
    – Discovering your joy
    – Visioning and goal setting
    – Understanding Relationships
    – Grief
    – Trauma
    – Anxiety
    – Depression
    – Stress
    – Digestive disorders

  • My qualification through Murdoch University is in art-based therapy, play therapy, sand-tray therapy and movement therapy.

  • Yes. Children often don’t have the language or the cognitive understanding of difficulties they are experiencing. Adolescents often don’t have the language either or are reluctant to engage verbally. This type of therapy provides a means by which they can express themselves and integrate their experiences without necessarily needing to talk about themselves, or confront a reality that they are not developmentally ready to do in a conscious way.

    To note: I maintain a current working with children c

  • Yes. Your work is yours however I may ask to take a photo of it for reference during ongoing sessions.

Mentoring For Wellbeing

  • Provides you with support to achieve a state of wellbeing and maintain it within the ups and downs of life.

    An excellent resource and supportive framework for those who work with others.

  • Life is our best teacher and within that process we experience times that can really challenge us. A mentor is like a belayer who supports the abseiler to find a path forward without falling. Sometimes the going is easier than at other times and the belayer is always there encouraging, challenging and providing a fresh perspective when needed.

Discover your path to true health


Discover your path forward in a safe space with gentleness and support. Learn to be truly present with your own unique experience of life.

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Healing and discovery of the self through creative expression. Ideal for children, adolescents and adults who find it difficult to articulate their needs.

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Helpful ways to connect with your true nature, learning to live from a place of authenticity, wholeness and true health, benefitting yourself and others.

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Working holistically with the mind and the body, facilitating a state of ease through the gentle release of trauma, conditioning and beliefs that no longer serve.

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